Health Requirements

The Boy Scouts of America requires that every participant and staff member have a current Annual Medical Health Record (Parts A, B & C) Class-3 Physical within a year prior to the beginning of the course. This physical requires a doctor signature, so be sure to make arrangements prior the beginning of the course. Make a copy of your physical for us, and keep the original form for your records. Click Here to go to reference site for Annual Health Forms.

Q: What parts of the BSA Medical Form must I complete and send in before course?
A: Parts A, B and C. Before course, you will receive a contact email for the course staff medic in your welcome information. When you send in your forms, please make sure you request and receive a confirmation of receipt.
Q: Will I receive my physical form back after course?
A: Yes, they will be made available for you. Those not picked up will be shredded after the last day on course.
Q: Does the staff include adults trained in medical response and emergency crisis?
A: Yes. In addition, you will receive a request to provide information via an electronic questionnaire and in it, it has room for you to record all medical conditions. You should also duplicate this information in your BSA Health Form you are required to submit before participation in the course.